Tainan Station i Tainan City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanTainan Station



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4, Section 2, Beimen Road, 70449, Tainan City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886
internet side: www.railway.gov.tw
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.9971831, Longitude: 120.2125774

kommentar 5

  • Dang Toanh

    Dang Toanh


    If you come to Tainan the first time, should note that it’s not station for High Speed Rail Train. You can’t buy the HSR from here. This is a old, nice station but not as practical as Taipei Main Station.

  • An-Sheng Huang

    An-Sheng Huang


    A historical train station in Tainan. There is a convenient store in the Platform 1 area, selling some food and drinks, it also provide the classic railway bento made by TRA.

  • Marvin Wan

    Marvin Wan


    It's a quite old fashion building but it 's very beautiful. It's convenience outside the station.




    Constructed in 1900, has West (front) and East (rear) entrance, and tourist information stand. Near bus stops. Near scooter rental shops. Neighbours National Cheng Kung University.

  • Charlotte Su

    Charlotte Su


    Definitely requires some renewal, eapecially for better air ventilation and climate control on the platforms. Summer season (or with any month that has day temperature at over 32 degrees Celsius) can be quite relentless for those who can't stand the heat abd humidity as the platforms have no installations for better air ventilation quality. Also, for those who travel wth bigger luggages or on wheelchairs, this station can be a bit challenging to get around in as the only elevators are on the platforms.

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