Taipei Garden Hotel i Taipei City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanTaipei Garden Hotel


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1, Section 2, Zhonghua Road, 100, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2314 6611
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Latitude: 25.03648, Longitude: 121.506922

kommentar 5

  • en

    Caleb Yii


    Very nice design and comfortable stay. Pillows were a bit too soft, and hair dryer did not work very well (it sparked). Otherwise quite good

  • Kevin Wang

    Kevin Wang


    Good facility and service. Great location! The only down side is the breakfast food. The quality is average and they don't change the menu much, so it gets old after a couple of days (we stayed for five nights). Will definitely recommend this place!

  • en

    Justin Ang


    Bus service outside, close to mrt, rooms are spacious

  • honguan teoh

    honguan teoh


    Awesome hotel. Good service and clean rooms. Rooms are comfortable and spacious. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Fergus Mao


    not great hotel to stay due to it's price & service & accommodation quality are not really match their 5 star rating. I would say 4 star is fair to them. but the service could be 3.5 star I booked this hotel for my family trip back to Taiwan for Xmas holiday. All because it's location & rating & a looks nice top roof garden. but when we stayed there just few nights before 2016 Xmas. (the busy period) Their top roof garden was closed. the gym had few machines out of order. the front counter staff normally do not have smile or greeting you. you do not expect those when paying nearly $300NZ ($240US) per night. they have reasonable small lobby & even their bar voucher was not really honest. (buy 1 drink & get 1 drink free voucher. but we were asked to buy 2 & get 2 free drink. otherwise, the bar did not accept our voucher.) After we felt we kind of wasted our hard earned money. I would not go back there again. A half price 3 star hotel we stayed before we moved to this Garden Hotel. only half price & better location & free buffet breakfast for whole family & free 24 hours drink bar & snacks. free laundry service too. (although the room was 30 - 40% smaller. and sound proof was weak & less.) But my family felt we should stay in that 3 star hotel for the whole Taipei trip. should not waste money on this Garden Hotel

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