Takao Railway Museum i Kaohsiung City

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TaiwanTakao Railway Museum



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32, Gushan 1st Road, 804, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 531 6209
internet side: trm.tw
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Latitude: 22.6216869, Longitude: 120.2755422

kommentar 5

  • Annabella Goh

    Annabella Goh


    The cool thing about this place is how it has been locked in time, yet it opens its doors to a historical experience (at no fee). It’s magical to see old log books dating back to the 30s, all sat behind a glass cabinet, and all the furniture in their intended positions when the office was still in its heyday. At the counter, there is also an hourly/half hourly guided bus service in which you can pay a one time fare of 50NTD, and it gives you unlimited bus rides to three recommended tour routes around Hamashi. We managed to hop on to one of the tours which was a heritage trail. There’s one with food, and the other which I’m not quite sure of. I should also add that the said 50NTD pass has unlimited use on their public buses for the whole day, til midnight.

  • Jason Tribbiani

    Jason Tribbiani


    It was nice day out, saw some old trains and history about Takao. The place is huge lots people coming here for picnic and let kids enjoy running with kite and play with bubbles. Nice place for family and little children to hangout. This is place is also close to Banana Pier and Pier 2 art center.

  • en

    Emanuel Gaff


    I like the different locomotives there. Very informative!

  • Kam Hoe Chaw

    Kam Hoe Chaw


    Old train station museum. There are many old artifacts and you can play dress up. The field behind the museum is the art exhibition area.

  • en

    Roger Tse


    This is good place to know the history of this district. It was originally a sea bay, and later reclaimed for seaport, and railway was built to transport goods from inland to the port and this museum tells this story. The historical items are good to have a look and the grassland outside is great for children.

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