Tamsui Customs Officers' Residence i New Taipei City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanTamsui Customs Officers' Residence



🕗 åbningstider

15號, Zhenli Street, 251, New Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2628 2865
internet side: chweb.culture.ntpc.gov.tw
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.1741951, Longitude: 121.4362745

kommentar 5

  • Carbo Kuo

    Carbo Kuo


    This is a beautiful garden with an old English-style house built a century ago.

  • Hoon Kim

    Hoon Kim


    This building itself is pretty disappointing. There are merely a couple of buildings, and one is now used for washrooms. The admission is, as far as I remember, 80 Taiwan dollars, but the ticket includes entrance of the former British consulate and Hobe Fort, too. Besides, this place is just nearby the other attractions like Aletheia University and Tamkang High school.

  • Radek Lát

    Radek Lát


    We visited this place only because it was close. Although it features a building in classical colonial style, it wasn't particularly interesting. The only fun part was making jokes about visiting a white house with president Trump in it.

  • Shen Gao

    Shen Gao


    Not much to see.... But you can do a quick visit if you bought the ticket for 红毛城。Staff is very friendly, they let us to have a quick visit even 2 mins before the closing. Very patiently answering questions and waiting until we finish the visit, then they close the place.

  • en

    Alex N


    Nice scenery and photo op location. Really worth the money asked since the ticket price is so low (80nt) and covers old English consulate and other areas. A way to spend a couple of hours hunting for interesting photo angles.

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