Tsutaya Bookstore Uni-Ustyle Store i Taipei City

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TaiwanTsutaya Bookstore Uni-Ustyle Store



🕗 åbningstider

8號, Section 5, Zhongxiao East Road, 110, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2725 1881
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 25.0405919, Longitude: 121.5647644

kommentar 5

  • Wee Liang TAN

    Wee Liang TAN


    We loved the bookstore and cafe concept. Allowing me to browse while sipping coffee in Asia (available in some stores in the West) was a welcome difference.

  • Cherie Chang

    Cherie Chang


    Go to the right place! It’s in 5F. It’s hard to be found cuz no brand or sign could see outsides, but only find it in floor introductions after entering this mall. Customers may read books in restaurant beside and enjoy the meal, but the restaurant is in higher prices.

  • Glenn Strycker

    Glenn Strycker


    Amazing - very good products and a fun shopping experience!

  • en

    X Le Guide


    It's a well conceived bookstore. Different from the Eslite Bookstore, this place is more specific for readers who prefer japanese delicate style. They provide seats and good night view for those who tried to feed their brain at a trendy and stylish bookstore! This is as quiet as japanese style - polite, good manner as well as pure style.

  • Elias Gasparis

    Elias Gasparis


    Beautiful interior design. Not many English books though and they are mixed in with the other books. Cafe looks like it's worth a visit.

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