Yaletown Bistro 耶魯小鎮 i Kaohsiung City

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TaiwanYaletown Bistro 耶魯小鎮



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26-3號, Xinguang Road, 802, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 334 1257
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.612102, Longitude: 120.303494

kommentar 5

  • Rachel Smisek

    Rachel Smisek


    The salads and lemonades are sooo good! The sandwiches looked really good too

  • Ben Brommell

    Ben Brommell


    Pictured: Classic poutine (160nt) with 119nt combo that includes soup of the day (cream of mushroom), salad (3 bean salad), and 50nt drink (lemonade, 20nt extra). Absolutely delicious and reminded me of home! Proper cheese curds and gravy on fluffy, well-cooked fries. Would come again next time I'm in Kaohsiung!

  • Yen-Ting Fu

    Yen-Ting Fu


    The poutine and smoke meat sandwich are the best Canadian taste I have had in Taiwan!

  • Debbie M Robichaud

    Debbie M Robichaud


    Every time I visit Kaohsiung I need to eat here! The food is spectacular. I love the soups in particular because Taiwanese soups are so completely different and I miss the flavours of our soups. I love everything about this restaurant and the portions are really filling. I imagine living in Kaohsiung to be a regular here, however, I’ll just have to be satisfied with visiting here from Tainan!

  • Alex Jewell

    Alex Jewell


    Delicious food, good service. As two Canadians living away from Canada, this is such a great place to have down the street from us!

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