雅霖大飯店 Penghu County, TW

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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100, Tonghe Road, 880, Penghu County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 6 926 1366
internet side: yl.fkgroup.com.tw
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Latitude: 23.5683854, Longitude: 119.5737637

kommentar 5

  • Al Lin

    Al Lin


    Good location, excellent buffet breakfast, comfortable rooms

  • Nick Yanagisawa

    Nick Yanagisawa


    Excellent breakfast buffet and very tasty! Clean room, comfortable bed, excellent view of harbor! Complimentary water bottles, tea bags and instant coffee.

  • Daniela Wiedemann

    Daniela Wiedemann


    Very good alternative to the commonly known hotel groups. Great pool area including area for children with several water fountains and bubbling sections. Breakfast is huge, featuring both asian and continental style buffet. The rooms are a little old-fashioned but very clean and staff is very friendly and helpful. English is a little difficult but using a translation app makes things running smoothly. Laundry room for free use is also available. Looking forward to coming back!

  • TK W

    TK W


    Budget but neat... Good pool for kids

  • Tsai Huanhsi

    Tsai Huanhsi


    Good location, nice view.

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