Banqiao Station i New Taipei City

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TaiwanBanqiao Station


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7, Section 3, Xianmin Boulevard, 220, New Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2381 5226
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Latitude: 25.0143879, Longitude: 121.4635269

kommentar 5

  • en

    Winnie ThePooh


    This is a super multi-purpose station that serves high speed rail, local and express rail, MRT and buses. The station is big, super size big, with all manners of good eats atreasonable prices. Besides the obligatory railroad bento (火車便當), you can also have ramen, bagel, fried chicken, waffle and even an AYCE vegetarian buffet. No major transportation hub in Taiwan is complete without the ubiquitous 7-11, a haven of delicious drinks, snacks, including onigiri and ready to eat food, like, cold noodles. Awesome food at bargain prices. So many vendors with amazing array of food choices. The station is clean and air-conditioned at a very comfortable temperature. Rail and bus personnels are friendly and helpful. Banqiao train station is a destination even if you are not going anywhere.

  • Mahantesh Biradar

    Mahantesh Biradar


    Clean, well maintained HSR station the city of banqiao

  • Lario



    Access all types of transpo HSR, TRA, MRT, Bus station, Taxis, and even a Ubike. Food stores, and shopping malls. Direction signage and information are helpful.

  • opti-solar



    Largest station in new taipei city connected to mrt and HSR (high speed) with a very large bus station outside

  • Kuan-Yu Lan

    Kuan-Yu Lan


    A great and biggest train station in Taiwan. Full of great selections of foods. And combining all kinds of transportation. Convenient and easy.

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