Taipei Station i Taipei City

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TaiwanTaipei Station


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3, Beiping West Road, 100, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2371 3558
internet side:
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Latitude: 25.0477387, Longitude: 121.5170396

kommentar 5

  • Urban Strasser

    Urban Strasser


    Nice place with a lot of shops and restaurants!!! Just what I’m tired of is if you preorder a ticked and you want to get it before your right you have to arrive at the station one hour before because you never know how much people standing in line and how much people working at the counters!!!! I think they doesn’t get a troubleshooter desk either!!! That’s why sometimes if someone get so problems with a ticket or something else you can wait up to a hour!!!




    The central station of Taipei city, you can use the high speed train, train to the airport and several metro lines. Plenty of souvenirs shop to pick from. They even have prayer room hidden at the back next to the lockers area. Ask the information center if you need help. They understand a little bit of English.

  • Kevin K.

    Kevin K.


    Even though I didn't speak a word Mandarin, I was easily able to find my way around. I was able to book a train through the ticket machine with no problem. Also, using the metro was a breeze. Much easier than in plenty of english speaking country. The EasyCard System worked great! Also, visit the tourist info centre to get access to the city wifi.

  • Brett Gottfried

    Brett Gottfried


    The train systems are extremely easy to use. Coming from New York as a tourist to here there is a major difference, I can understand where to go and get off so much better at Taiwan. All stops are numbered which makes it easy to remember which place I'm getting off. Also the staff are very friendly and helpful. Using the trains you can pretty much get anywhere in Taipei, it is fantastic.

  • Taiwan Easy

    Taiwan Easy


    If you're visiting Taiwan, there's a good chance you'll end up at Taipei Main Station. This is the centre point for trains and buses coming and going from other districts in Taiwan, as well as a crossing point for the MRT Green & Blue lines. The central interior architecture is grandiose, and worth a visit. It has a mall like atmosphere with an assortment of shops on the lower level and restaurants on the upper level. It is easy to navigate and clean, but can get a little busy during peak times. This is a good place if you're looking for somewhere to eat. I recommend checking out Second Floor Cafe (on the second floor). The prices a mid-range however the food is good and the service is reasonable.

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