Black Bull Farm i Taipei City

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TaiwanBlack Bull Farm


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126, Section 5, Xinyi Road, 110, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2723 5988
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Latitude: 25.0322724, Longitude: 121.5689293

kommentar 5

  • Selena Chu

    Selena Chu


    Had afternoon tea session with my girls. A very nice and quite place to hang out for an afternoon. Apple pie is a little on the sweeter side. Overall positive experience.

  • Cloe Tai

    Cloe Tai


    Premium ambience and nice dessert!

  • en



    Good quality food, environment and service. The price is a bit high but its the only place you can get organic beef.

  • en

    HH W


    Good concept (farm to table) and solid enough beef-oriented offerings although the steak sandwich seemed to be 9 parts bread to 1 part beef so could see why the restaurant was empty at lunchtime when I went. Quality was good (especially fries and bread), space was nice and bright, service wasn't attentive despite the lack of customers. Ok.

  • Desmond Koval

    Desmond Koval


    I come to Taipei about once a month and take my local team of about 25 people to dinner here frequently. They have a private room that's just perfect for the size of my team. What I like the most is that we're treated like family rather than some posh pretentious restaurant. The owner is incredibly personable and always makes an effort to ensure that not only myself but all the people along with me have enjoyed their meals. I typically call in advance to arrange family-style for everybody and we've never been let down yet after about five large team dinners at Black Bull. The food is fresh, well thought out and I respect the owner's effort to only serve healthy ingredients rather than the cheapest. Great place and will be back soon!

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