Mala Hot Pot i Taipei City

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TaiwanMala Hot Pot



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22, Songshou Road, 110, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2720 5726
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Latitude: 25.0355031, Longitude: 121.56786

kommentar 5

  • Dez -

    Dez -


    The quality of the meat is quite good, but it's very pricey at around 700 NTD per person, as well as the food not coming at a pace I'd prefer. Unless you don't have a budget, this will be a great place to feast yourself. The spicyness just right.

  • Yuan-Hao Chang

    Yuan-Hao Chang


    Very delicious spicy hot pot. All sorts of meat for all-you-can-eat.

  • en

    Rick Smith


    If you are looking for really great hot pot, this is it! It's all you can eat, so you pay a single price and just keep ordering whatever you want. My fav is the beef and lamb. The seafood is also terrific, but my only complaint is they skimp a little bit on quality of seafood. However, everything is delicious right down to the desserts (Hagen-Daazs ice cream!).

  • Bobby Pham

    Bobby Pham


    Awesome hot pot place! All you can eat. Unlike most all you can eat places, there's all you can eat dessert, ice cream, and drinks. Outside the main items, most buffets offer limited or lower quality items in the drinks and dessert section. But you have a plethora of Haagen daaz ice cream flavors. There's decent selection in the desserts and drinks as well. The meats are pretty good for what you're paying for. Price is around $765 Taiwanese dollars or roughly $25 usd. Make sure you come to this place hungry! Great great place overall

  • en

    Terry Leu


    Variety good quality meat, sea food and vegetable for hot spot. Several soups that you can choose. They also serve several kinds of drinks, fruit and deserts. The location of the store is convenient. But they have 2 hours eating limitation.

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