吹吹風精品咖啡館-碼頭館 Penghu County, TW

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1號, 海安街, 880, Penghu County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 6 927 9398
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 23.562291, Longitude: 119.5682779

kommentar 5

  • 李依宸



    I like

  • Jeffrey Gamble

    Jeffrey Gamble


    A great location with nice views and a favors little shop nearby. Good quality of products with a wide variety of beverages and some snacks or tapas. Alcohol is also available here. I had a pot of 高山烏龍茶,which came in a pot with a huge teabag (it can be refilled with hot water). The small hollow glass cup made it convenient to drink without hurting your hands from the hot tea. The price was around 150. It could be shared, but reach customer must order at least one drink (excluding children). I had a slice of cheesecake (beautifully decorated and delicious). Outdoor seating is perfect for summer, while indoor seating is better for cold winter days. There are very interesting items in the seating area, including an old LP player and imported products. A nice visit.

  • Shweta Chavan

    Shweta Chavan


    It's a good place for coffee with beautiful view..... Coffee here are really great.

  • Harn Chiu

    Harn Chiu


    Wouldn't necessarily be 5 starts elsewhere, but for the neighborhood, this place has pretty great food. The ribs were falling off the bone tender one night and less perfect but still decent the next; squid ink pasta was great and seafood risotto good as well. Generous portions and lots of indoor and outdoor seating.

  • missy rimas

    missy rimas


    Amazing food and surrounding!!!

nærmeste Cafe

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