Four Points by Sheraton Penghu Penghu County, TW

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TaiwanFour Points by Sheraton Penghu



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197, Xindian Road, 880, Penghu County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 6 926 6288
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Latitude: 23.567638, Longitude: 119.57604

kommentar 5




    A member of Marriott reward. Nice to the elite members.

  • John Cheung

    John Cheung


    Wife booked this hotel and I had great experiences with other four points before. We're still here and leaving in a few days but our first impression was very rude. There was guy picking us up from the airport on April 9th. The first words out of his mouth was why didn't you pick up your phone when I called you. We have a 2 year old screaming throughout the flight and to hear that for our vacation right after landing didnt help. That might just be an outlier since everyone else throughout the hotel seemed great. Our son enjoyed the 5th floor play area and pool. Will try the food here tomorrow.

  • Chang Sophia

    Chang Sophia


    Great hotel to stay at Penghu. Very cozy and new. Great service with all very friendly staffs. Great location with beautiful harbor views. Walking distance to hotpot restaurant and convenience stores. The buffet dinner in the hotel is great with lots of delicious food and all you can drink beer as well as non alcoholic drinks. Pool is great, something must experience while staying at the hotel. Free shuttle to the airport with booking in advance. A place that truly recommends to those who like to stat at the hotel instead of bed and breakfast places. Love it here.

  • Julian Lee

    Julian Lee


    Enjoyed our stay there. Gave it five stars, BUT the breakfast buffet seafood chef today (2019/323) was very very rude and seemed very unwilling to serve. I asked for seafood soup and received ONE little COLD oyster in the bowl. A fellow traveler a few minutes later asked for one more slice of cucumber in the soup and was told NO, no customization. One rude staff can make the hotel look terrible.

  • Shane



    We had tremendously comfortable stays at this hotel, it’s kids friendly with lots of kids facilities here and well managed, you will never regret to spend time hanging out with your family here, must reserve time to use their hotel facility. The service team of hotel are well trained and polite to customer. The things in room are also very considering from customer perspective. Will definitely try this hotel for a comfortable stay again.

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