Chia Chyi Hotel Penghu County, TW

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanChia Chyi Hotel


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21號, Zhongxing Road, 880, Penghu County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 6 927 8100
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Latitude: 23.5666039, Longitude: 119.5673969

kommentar 5

  • Chuan Hsing Liu

    Chuan Hsing Liu



  • Harcus Chui

    Harcus Chui



  • Chiu-Wen Ray

    Chiu-Wen Ray


    Never been to a hotel that you have to manually use key to lock the door. I’m will never come back to this place ever again. For the price you are paying, it’s a rip off. I will never recommend this place to anyone .

  • Kelvin



    Found cockroach in room. Carpets old and dirty. Staff not friendly. Duvet is very short for a 5'8" person. Electrical wires were spliced and taped with electrical tape - electrical fire hazard (dont know how it passed a building code). Breakfast was poor, there was plastic packaging in our veggie dish. Only 1 elevator and found ourself using the stairs which is okay as it was only 8 floors. You can hear people walking and talking outside the room. We borrowed a towel for the beach and they phoned us saying we cannot do that and was going to charge us a fee. Reason for 1 star is the location is good. However there are many hotels around the vicinity - no option for 1/2 star. So if cockroach and the risk of an electrical fire is your cup of tea then this is for you.

  • Teewei Tan

    Teewei Tan


    Not a very nice place. Wires were apliced and electrical taped together. There was a hole behind the bedside table in the drywall with wiring flowing through. Cockroaches were found in another room next door. Breakfast wasn't very nice as well. There was even plastic found in some food.

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