Hotel Ever Spring Penghu County, TW

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanHotel Ever Spring


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6號, Zhongzheng Road, 880, Penghu County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 6 927 3336
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Latitude: 23.5638458, Longitude: 119.5653125

kommentar 5

  • KDance Law

    KDance Law


    Friendly and helpful staffs.

  • amy Gwo

    amy Gwo


    In the heart of Penghu city center, excellent location to start the journey and access to anywhere. Staffs speak English and Japanese. If you need any help, just go there for assistance.

  • Shirley Tsai

    Shirley Tsai


    Good location but poor bathroom equipments. You need to let the water run for about ten minutes to get it hot. We didn't know that the first day and almost caught cold from that. The two double beds are spacious but very little space other than that. Not a real twin room. Acceptable but unsatisfied. Alas!

  • Shannon Skene

    Shannon Skene


    Close to many restaurants and food view from room. Reception staff was great at check in.

  • Gert Brand

    Gert Brand


    A great place to stay in Penghu. Price is great, plus the staff is friendly. English speaking tourists visiting PengHu, stay here. They helped us with organizing trips and getting to know the place. Great staff, great room and a great island. Keep up the great work.

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