Fullon Hotel Taipei Central i Taipei City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanFullon Hotel Taipei Central



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266, Section 1, Jianguo South Road, 106, Taipei City, TW Taiwán
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2701 9266
internet side: www.fullon-hotels.com.tw
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.03663, Longitude: 121.537209

kommentar 5

  • ChungHuan Chang

    ChungHuan Chang



  • Ginn Chang

    Ginn Chang



  • Jason Yu

    Jason Yu


    The buffet at the first floor is awful. I have dined there three times, and each time it gets worse (family dinner, I could not decide where to go) Scarce selection of food, roasted chicken with no flavor, Thai fish probably has stayed there for days: the surface has hardened, interior stale. The beef stall is largely unattended. When someone comes out, the portion served is miserable: 2 thin slices of extremely dry and stale beef. Sashimi was acceptable; that is, I did not feel ill after eating. Orange juice was practically water plus perhaps a pack of instant juice powder (if there’s such thing); it did not taste like orange juice. I didn’t pay for the meal, otherwise probably the worst meal ever, even worse than having instant noodles at home.

  • zh-Hant




  • ja

    Hiroshi Sakai


    外観はチョットいまいちですが、室内は綺麗、そこそこ広い。 ベット前のソファが何気に便利です。 スタッフもフレンドリーで良し。 日本語は挨拶程度です。 お風呂は湯がマトモに出て良し。 オフィス街なので周りにお店は少ないです。 となりにセブンイレブンはあります。

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