Rido Hotel台北麗都飯店 i 台北市

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TaiwanRido Hotel台北麗都飯店



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信義路三段, 106, 台北市, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 2 2706 5600
internet side: www.rido.com.tw
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 25.033729, Longitude: 121.533701

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edison Kwong


    The room is very cozy and spacious. No loud noises and they serve fruits daily to your room. It is near to malls and restaurants. Very short walk to daan park mrt. Very friendly staffs as well.

  • en

    Bill K Lee


    Very quint little hotel. Staff is very friendly and helpful. Free wifi and decent breakfast buffet. Half block to redline subway. Beautiful doors. But no pool and no gym.

  • en

    Somard Kruayatidee


    nice view except some Chinese customers have smoked and left strong order behind.

  • Heiko RUDOLPH

    Heiko RUDOLPH


    Great views of Daan Park, good breakfast selection for vegetarians and dietary restrictions, you need to include breakfast when u book or pay extra later. The place is clean, and a wonderful inner atrium space inside the hotel. The walls of the atrium are decorated with classic European motives, there is sense of space and style. Close to MRT trains. Close to restaurant quarter




    Booked this due to its proximity to Da'an Park. Lovely location. Try booking directly from their website and choose the Bali room -- you will not regret it. This room has its own sauna and jacuzzi tub. Just lovely. They also serve free breakfast. It was our first time in Taipei, staff were very accommodating and warm. It was our first time eating at 7-11 since it's so close by to this hotel. I highly recommend it.

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