Hua-da milk tea, main shop i Kaohsiung City

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TaiwanHua-da milk tea, main shop



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99號, Xinyue Street, 803, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 551 2151
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Latitude: 22.623588, Longitude: 120.2859046

kommentar 5

  • Babak Radi

    Babak Radi


    This is one of the best milk tea in Taiwan! I really like the milk tea flavor in their main branch.

  • Kevin Teh

    Kevin Teh


    Great tea latte. One of the pioneers in this F&B space

  • Karen Cheung

    Karen Cheung


    It is a very popular chain store in Kaoshiong. It was ok for me because I got it not sweet. It is very rich in milk flavor but it's not really my favorite. It's 40NT and it's actually available in Taipei now as well

  • Po Yuan Su

    Po Yuan Su


    The Taiwanese 'the Wieners Circle' but serves pearl milk tea and other tea beverage. Don't expect 'warm welcome' and service. They are serious to their product, brewing tea with a mix of herbs (I cannot recognize any of that!). The taste is unlike other tea shops, I can feel a balance of both milk and black tea Force. The founding shop of the brand.

  • Kenny Xiao

    Kenny Xiao


    Quality of the drink was good but I would say that they run out of bubbles way too often .

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