MARS Mu workshop-style restaurant i Kaohsiung City

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TaiwanMARS Mu workshop-style restaurant



🕗 åbningstider

80, Dayong Road, 803, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 531 0520
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 22.6239046, Longitude: 120.2841947

kommentar 5

  • Jonas Høholt

    Jonas Høholt


    Delicious food and comfy place

  • Fu Hsing Lee

    Fu Hsing Lee


    It id s a nice coffee place

  • poleag



    The food was reasonably good aside from the bread and soup which was served cold. My impression is that the cooks were doing their job well but the servers were a bit distracted and chatting with each other. They seemed to be speculating whether or not I 看不起 them. Amusing.

  • Jacques van Zyl

    Jacques van Zyl


    The place could be better if I got my food on time. Waiting so long for my food 1hour still nothing. waste of my time. Good luck. KFC is better

  • Joshua Tsu

    Joshua Tsu


    Besides the slightly pricey food and drinks, this place stuns. Located conveniently next to the metro, MARS cafe boasts a decent selection of cafe standard food and beverages that are Instagram worthy and taste buds worthy. The staff have great service, and even though it may get crowded and your food may take awhile, they genuinely try to help you in any way possible. Free flow lemon water. Nice toilet. Great concept and ambience!

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