Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station i Taipei City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanSun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station


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400, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road, 11072, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886
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Latitude: 25.0413586, Longitude: 121.5574599

kommentar 5

  • Ivan Popovskihh

    Ivan Popovskihh


    Nice place in evening

  • Esther L

    Esther L


    Great spot for food, shop, drink and national park, also have traditional market near by. Nice area

  • Sandra Mae Co

    Sandra Mae Co


    The place is good and you can see taipei 101 in a different perspective. The downside is that the place gets really crowded when it's time for the guards to change, and there are ALOT of mosquitos. Enjoy!

  • Jason Lowe

    Jason Lowe


    What a station! Sometimes i get off the train just to luxuriate in SYS's facilities. Public bathrooms, escalators, ticket machines, it really is "top of the pops" in the station world.

  • Lawrence Yen

    Lawrence Yen


    Located in the heart of the city with access to other venues and restaurants within walking distance from the mrt exit. Eventually a stadium for events is right across the street.

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