Songjiang Nanjing i 台北市

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanSongjiang Nanjing


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126, 松江路, 104, 台北市, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886
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Latitude: 25.0520105, Longitude: 121.5330577

kommentar 5

  • en

    Evelene Huang


    Must try Kura Sushi. The food is delicious, but the line is so long. So better use some app called e排客 (wequeue) and book a few day before you want to eat. Also the restaurant is very strict, so don't be late or the restaurant won't accept you

  • Fiona StudyDream

    Fiona StudyDream


    Nice station. There are pictures as from the photos, which are nice. The Ubike is where the park is and the area has more Louisa Coffees than anyone I know with the name Louisa. Can't be that bad!

  • Lario



    Its the nearest station to Manila Economic and Cultural Office. Entrance/Exit 7 is the closest way to MECO, and it takes 7-10mins walk to get there.

  • StarTeller Jean

    StarTeller Jean


    The worst route design ever. Every time I'll waste at least 5 min to search for the transfer direction. I don't understand why the SongSang transit is always hard to find. Please, a lot of ppl would go to that direction for Brown line!! Why lots of SingDiang signs rather than SongSan!

  • Chris Walters

    Chris Walters


    It's a convenient MRT station that's clean and safe. The exits are a little weird, there are too many; so many that two are literally next to each other on the street and I cannot comprehend why. Also the green line transfer can be a little confusing. If you go in the wrong turnstile you may have to ask station staff to help you exit and enter the other side. The bathrooms are all pretty recommended, especially those closest to exit 3.

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