Ximen Station i Taipei City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanXimen Station


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32-1, Baoqing Road, 100, Taipei City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886
internet side: www.metro.taipei
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Latitude: 25.0425603, Longitude: 121.5077161

kommentar 5

  • ChaCha Peach

    ChaCha Peach


    Ximen Market is located near Xumen station. You can find clothes, shoes and bag. Street food is good.

  • Alain Saas

    Alain Saas


    The "Little Shinjuku" of Taipei. Very lively area.

  • Emilian Kavalski

    Emilian Kavalski


    the station to get in and out of the Ximending area. As the entire public transport system in Taipei, the Ximen station is easy to use and there is plenty of helpful staff to assist you with your inquiries.

  • en

    vangie ercia


    Very busy place.. Ximen place has loys of great finds very lively and colorful place with lots of global brands around the area.. Busy night life.

  • en

    DJ D


    This is a very fun District in Taipei— lots of shopping, street entertainers, places to eat and drink— all easily accessed from the Metro. The crowds can be impressive, but that makes it all the more fun to people-watch.

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