Howard Plaza Hotel Kaohsiung i Kaohsiung City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanHoward Plaza Hotel Kaohsiung


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311號, Qixian 1st Road, 800, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 236 2323
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Latitude: 22.6339773, Longitude: 120.3081048

kommentar 5

  • Victor Odorov

    Victor Odorov


    I was only here for delivery so idk about the rooms or other criteria, but generally it looks great.

  • Jan-Willem Vonk

    Jan-Willem Vonk


    Standard hotel, some items a little dated but rooms are clean and quiet. Staff is very friendly and helpful. Pricing is reasonable.

  • Linda Pan

    Linda Pan


    I am not sure if the key card was too sensitive to other electromagnetic signals or the lock on the door wasnt working properly, but i had to go to the front desk several times to change the keys. the cold water and hot water handles were separate, so you had to make sure to have open them both at the same time. nonetheless, the hotel is relatively cheap for a 5stars hotel.

  • Matt Dauterive

    Matt Dauterive


    Slow elevators. Run down property. Was really nice years ago. Beds are comfortable, and the staff is friendly. Elevators are exceptionally slow. Breakfast is good.

  • Takayuki Asai

    Takayuki Asai


    It was my first time to visit your hotel. There are a few convenient stores very next to your hotel and I could get necessary things soon. The room was very spacious and the bed was large and comfortable. I soaked in a bathtub and relaxed so much. What I wanted to request to improve was the strength of the flow of water of the shower. I prefer much stronger. Any way, I liked your hotel a lot and would like to visit again soon!

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