MF Hotel PengHu Penghu County, TW

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanMF Hotel PengHu


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2, Minquan Road, 880, Penghu County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 6 926 3936
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Latitude: 23.5636561, Longitude: 119.5670927

kommentar 5

  • Bill Lo

    Bill Lo


    Friendly staff all over. The shuttle driver was great. We booked last minute and was not on the list for the shuttle when arriving at the airport.

  • M.usman javed

    M.usman javed


    Place is cozy. Nice window view from room. Helping staff recommend for stay.

  • Daisy Lui

    Daisy Lui


    Pleasant surprise in terms of space, cleanliness, service and amenities in room. Pillow and quilt comparable to 5 star hotels, location within walking distance to most sightseeing places and eateries. My room offers a seaview too. Quiet and chic, spacious room and provides the things you will need. Will recommend to FITs.(free individual travellers)

  • Justin Y.C. Chen

    Justin Y.C. Chen


    It's my second time choosing to stay in MF HarbourView Hotel, and the experience remains fantastic. I booked directly through their official website, which seems to be the best price among all websites. This time, their restaurant is under construction and will be renovated to be a convenience store, but there was no great noise and dusts. For the room, I stayed in a double room with bathtub. They don't provide disposable toiletries in the room, but you still can ask for it in the front desk. The room was tiny, cozy, and comfortable. One thing I appreciated most lies in the air conditioner. The AC is really cold, and you will really need it after suffering from a hot and humid day in Penghu.

  • Shannon Er

    Shannon Er


    Clean hotel. Good value. Comfortable. They provide disposable toiletries at the counter. There is shuttle service but double check with your hotel staff. Breakfast optional. Safe and convenient location close to the shopping area.

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