My cofi i Kaohsiung City

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TaiwanMy cofi



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19號, Xiamen Street, 802, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 222 0101
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Latitude: 22.6256963, Longitude: 120.3141752

kommentar 5

  • Sillaw wallis

    Sillaw wallis


    Go there intentionally because of the coffee art. Worth going. Love it. The boss, she is so nice and her coffee art is amazing

  • msboon Chai

    msboon Chai


    so cute coffee

  • Fiona Choi

    Fiona Choi


    Brought my nephew's Chase to Kaohsiung just for this =) Very cute 3D Latte Art! We loved it! What an art!

  • Bendy Chua

    Bendy Chua


    Saw this cafe on some Facebook post and decided to give it a visit since I was in Kaohsiung. Rather quiet for a PH morning. The staffs were warm and friendly. No doubt the 3D art was cute and unique. However, I found my hot chocolate way too sweet. The food was average as well. Expect to have to pay a little at this place considering the uniqueness of the 3D coffee art.

  • Chloe Travels

    Chloe Travels


    I rarely give 5 stars for coffee shops. Their coffee selections and Japanese brown rice tea are excellent choices here. But you really come here for 3D Latte Art. While it's expensive, 3D Latte Art is so cool! You pay additional $100NT or so for adding basic 3D art (photo attached) to your drink, or pay $600NT total for customized 3D art (e.g. your dog or cat) on your choice of drinks. They really take time to perfecting the art. There is a wall with pictures of all different 3D art. If you are not willing to pay the premium, you can just take a look at previous art works.

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