瑞谷商旅Ruigu Hotel i Kaohsiung City

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Taiwan瑞谷商旅Ruigu Hotel


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75號, Qixian 1st Road, 800, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 224 0501
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 22.6335955, Longitude: 120.3149677

kommentar 5

  • Jason Kwok

    Jason Kwok


    Horrible Room, wall paint fading, TV decoder hanging on mirror with messy cabling, wall paper peeled, sticky stain on dressing table and slept with a mosquito !!!

  • Darren Grace

    Darren Grace


    Booked a twin room with a travel companion ended up being a double bed so i moved on to comfort stay hostel n got a six bed dorm to myself winning

  • Michael Taiwan

    Michael Taiwan


    Great place for a price under 900 nt per room even during Dragon boat festival ! Rooms are small but enough for a couple. Free bikes. Good location 10 min from metro station. Good ! 2nd time here

  • Dina Martia

    Dina Martia


    The location is very strategic, near city center so it is very convenience to.go through Kaohsiung interesting place. Lucky if get the discount while using online booking. I stay one more night cause the location and get great price. The customer service is very kind and can speak English. Although the room isnt big, but it's enough for 2 people.. The bathroom is also very clean. Provide mineral water and water refil every floor. Provide bicycle.can be used to go around.




    Good. Value for money. Free bicycle is a big pros. Free bottled waters in the room and a water dispenser every floors. Electric water pot is in the room, coffee and the bag of tea is provided everyday. Soap and tissues too. Room is very small. It's more like a single room, but it satisfied our basic needs moreover it is cheap and reasonable. Staffs are friendly and helpful most of the times. Note : They keep your Passport and 500NTD for Bicycle Deposit.

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