Sunrise Hot Spring Hotel Miaoli County, TW

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanSunrise Hot Spring Hotel


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34, 錦水村橫龍山, 365, Miaoli County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 3 794 1988
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Latitude: 24.4697726, Longitude: 120.971492

kommentar 5

  • Sheng-Che Yen

    Sheng-Che Yen


    It's a beautiful hotel and has wonderful customer services.

  • Shahin Dashtgard

    Shahin Dashtgard


    Spent a night here and it’s a nice hotel. I think they upgraded me to a suite as no one else is here, which was a pleasant surprise. The hot spring pools aren’t huge, but they are a good temperature, and the meals were tasty. It’s a bit pricey though, at least from a Taiwan perspective.

  • 賓培傑



    Public hot spring is so so. Private room seems better.

  • Christian Wietholt

    Christian Wietholt


    I used to go there years ago and it was one of the most amazing hot spring experiences I had in Taiwan. Located on the hillside of a wooded mountain are numerous pools fueled by almost odorless hot spring water. Enjoy the beautiful scenery while relaxing I therapeutic water. In January make sure to pick up some strawberries from one of the street vendors on the way to the hotel.

  • Yelp P

    Yelp P


    One of the best run hotel by Indigenous people of Taiwan! Very nice hot spring. Great food.

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