泰安觀止溫泉會館 Onsen Papawaqa Miaoli County, TW

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Taiwan泰安觀止溫泉會館 Onsen Papawaqa



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58號, 圓墩, 365, Miaoli County, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 3 794 1777
internet side: www.papawaqa.com.tw
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Latitude: 24.467611, Longitude: 120.951846

kommentar 5

  • Hiram Huang

    Hiram Huang


    Price level is luxury but service and facilities are just fine.

  • Alice Cheng

    Alice Cheng


    Came here for a company retreat. The views are beautiful and the decors are natural elements. The bedroom design is very unique and the beddings are very comfortable. I enjoyed the hot springs very much and the public bath house is really nice because it’s open air and you don’t feel suffocated. No other stores nearby so be prepared for a wilderness only stay.

  • ThianYong Chan

    ThianYong Chan


    The room is good, spacious and elegant. The hot spring tub is very big and cosy. I would have given it a 4 stars if the food is better because I think the food and restaurant play a vital role in such kind of resort. The buffet dinner is over-rated. The spring roll is very hard; the crispy skin duck is not crispy; the pork rib is difficult to chew; the pumpkin soup taste horrible; the green noodles is nothing but taste surprisingly awful; the red bean bun, chicken soup and the steam chicken r the only 3 food I That is nice; the ice cream is good; coffee is good. Probably wouldn’t put this resort as my 1st choice.

  • Angela Wasko

    Angela Wasko


    Beautiful rooms, amazing baths, and very warm but somewhat fussy service. Their hearts are in the right place, to be sure, but for a resort in this price range, they have more rules than I'm accustomed to (pool closed midday, registering for spa use, strict and limited time for the buffet dinner included in weekend stays, etc.). We did enjoyed our stay immensely, though, and I still recommend staying here.

  • Larren Chen

    Larren Chen


    Very pretty, nice, good service hotel. The hot spring is very good for both indoor and outdoor. Room is fantastic. Our room is a 4 person room with own indoor spring room. Best to come during low peak periods n especially on weekdays. Breakfast provided which is not bad. Dinner wise have to book separately N it's set meal at twd 800 per person. We found that 4 person can share 3 sets which they allow. As the meal is quite big. Up to individual. But the food are really nice n yummy. Best to have own transport to come as it is very far from town area.

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