Centre Hotel Kaohsiung i Kaohsiung City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TaiwanCentre Hotel Kaohsiung


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6號, Zhongzheng 4th Road, 800, Kaohsiung City, TW Taiwan
kontakter telefon: +886 7 285 2520
internet side: www.centrehoteltw.com
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Latitude: 22.6312938, Longitude: 120.3010457

kommentar 5

  • en

    Camille Defrancq


    Great location and clean. it is a good value. A lot of poster asking you to tip and the Wi-Fi could work better.

  • en

    Yip Hou Liang


    A very basic 3 star hotel. 2 Queen size bed room cost around 800 Taiwan dollars a day. Located very near an mrt Station (1min walk) and 2 night markets. The awareness for tips is quite pravalent with many posters at the lobby and one in the hotel room.

  • Trina Do

    Trina Do


    Hotel is at a convenient location next to Formosa station and Liuhe night market. It's very cheap and comes with free breakfast. The breakfast was actually very good with a full spread with different items each day. They have congee with different toppings like pork floss and pickles. There's rice with different options of veggies and meats. There was toast and also coffee and juices. The rooms are ok. Could be cleaner. There's no shower curtain which I guess is normal but water will get everywhere when you shower. My friends room had a weird smell though and they killed a few cockroaches in the room.

  • Debalina G

    Debalina G


    Great location, just outside the KMRT Formosa Boulevard station. This budget hotel has all the basic amenities. Nice and comfortable. We stayed there for two nights. The room is spacious with a great city view. Simple breakfast. We loved staying there.

  • en

    Roger Tse


    A nice budget hotel that is acceptably clean with an unbeatable location in the city heart right next to subway station. Some of the rooms are still old using keys to unlock the door. The breakfast is not that great but considering the price, the value is there. This hotel usually also offers free cancellation, so there is some flexibility there. It is just 20 minutes to the airport via subway.

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